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Daily Legislative Update: Friday, February 7, 2025

Photo by Will Newton/Arkansas House of Representatives

Friday, February 7, 2025 – Day 26

The General Assembly is in recess today. To view committee schedules, agendas, and live streams—including live coverage of the House and Senate—visit www.arkleg.state.ar.us.


HB 1204 – Rep. Jon Eubanks and Sen. Missy Irvin
Yesterday morning the Senate approved HB 1204 by a vote of 18 to 17. You can view the vote HERE.

The State Chamber/AIA commends and thanks the legislators who voted for HB 1204.

The passage of HB 1204 marks the culmination of efforts across multiple sessions by the State Chamber/AIA, along with many businesses and business association partners. It ensures that damages for necessary medical care, treatment, or services are based on the actual costs paid rather than inflated amounts.

If your senator voted for HB 1204, please thank them.

SB 58Sen. Jonathan Dismang and Rep. Jon Eubanks
This bill seeks to remove the prohibition on nonprofit, tax-exempt, or governmentally funded hospitals holding a licensed pharmacy permit for the sale of retail drugs. This bill received a Do Pass from the House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee. We support this bill.

HB 1383Rep. Jack Ladyman
To amend the Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund Act and to modify the amount of the payment for corrective action. This bill received a Do Pass from the House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.

HB 1049Rep. Dwight Tosh and Sen. Ron Caldwell
This good bill would amend Arkansas law concerning criminal offenses and to criminalize unlawful squatting. This bill received a Do Pass from the House Judiciary Committee.

SB 133Sen. Justin Boyd and Rep. Howard Beaty
Seeks to amend the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). To define “central bank digital currency” in the UCC and modify the UCC definitions of “money” and “deposit account” This bill received a Do Pass yesterday in the House Insurance and Commerce Committee and is on this afternoon’s House Calendar.

Rep. David Ray and Sen. Kim Hammer
Two of these three good bills passed the House yesterday.

  • HB 1221 – Seeks to amend Arkansas law concerning initiatives, referenda, and constitutional amendments. Passed 75-14 in the House yesterday.
  • HB 1222 – To require the Attorney General to review ballot titles for conflicts with the United States Constitution and federal statutes and to prohibit the submission of multiple initiative petitions and referendum petitions. This bill was amended and awaits consideration in the House State Agencies Committee.
  • HB 1223 – To allow a candidate for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Court of Appeals who is serving as an appointee to use the title of that position as a prefix on the ballot. Passed in the House yesterday 93-1.


Two committees are scheduled to meet on Monday, and the House and Senate will convene at 1:30 p.m.


We added 13 bills and one joint resolution to our tracking list based on recent filings.

HB 1422Rep. Wayne Long and Sen. Mark Johnson
Establishes the Only Citizens Vote Act, amends laws concerning driver’s licenses for certain noncitizens, and modifies Amendment 51, Section 13 of the Arkansas Constitution. Referred to House State Agencies Committee.

HB 1424Rep. Lee Johnson and Sen. Blake Johnson
Requires insurance coverage for severe obesity treatments. Referred to House Insurance and Commerce Committee.

HB 1426Rep. Lee Johnson
Amends the Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act. Referred to House Insurance and Commerce Committee.

HB 1435Rep. Brandon Achor and Sen. Jane English
Expands income tax credits for child care, including employer-provided child care and licensed childcare providers.

SB 204 Sen. Clint Penzo and Rep. Jeremiah Moore
Exempts from gross income any gain resulting from property acquisition due to eminent domain or the threat of condemnation. Referred to Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.

SB 205Sen. Alan Clark
Amends the Arkansas Opportunity Public School Choice Act and the Public School Choice Act of 2015. On Monday’s agenda in the Senate Education Committee.

SB 206Sen. Steve Crowell and Rep. Rebecca Burkes
Amends the Right to Read Act, adjusting the amount of literacy tutoring grants awarded under the Act. It is on Monday’s agenda in the Senate Education Committee.

SB 207 Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
Amends laws regarding initiative and referendum petitions, requiring canvassers to disclose that petition fraud is a Class A misdemeanor. Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee.

SB 208Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
Requires canvassers to request photo identification before obtaining a petition signature. Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee.

SB 209 Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
Disqualifies signatures obtained by a canvasser under specific circumstances. Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee.

SB 210 Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
Requires petition signers to read the ballot title in the presence of a canvasser. Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee.

SB 211Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
Mandates that canvassers submit an affidavit before collected petition signatures can be counted. Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee.

SB 212 Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
Establishes the Document Validity Division. Referred to Senate State Agencies.

SJR 12 Sen. Clarke Tucker
Proposes a constitutional amendment requiring the General Assembly to establish a revised election process by law. Referred to Senate State Agencies Committee.