Daily Legislative Update: Monday, January 27, 2025

(Photo by Will Newton/Arkansas House of Representatives)
Monday, January 27, 2025 – Day 15
The Senate Education Committee met at 10:00 a.m. today. The House and Senate will convene at 1:30 p.m. After adjournment of the Senate, the Senate Rules and Senate Transportation committees will meet. To view bills, committee schedules, agendas, and watch live streams, visit www.arkleg.state.ar.us.
HB 1133 by Rep. Steve Unger (R)
Seeks to authorize the Northwest Technical Institute to appoint a president with an industry background. This bill is on this morning’s agenda in the Senate Education Committee. We support this bill.
SB 70 by Sen. Jimmy Hickey (R) and Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R)
Seeks to amend the law concerning standards for insurance policies and to revise insurer notice requirements for premium increases. The bill is on this afternoon’s Senate Calendar. We support this bill.
HB 1204 – Rep. Jon Eubanks (R) and Sen. Missy Irvin (R)
Seeks to establish recovery of damages for necessary medical care, treatment or services rendered. This bill will be considered in a Special Order of Business in the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning. We support this bill.
We have added four bills to our legislative tracking list based on recent filings.
The State Chamber/AIA is currently tracking 168 bills and resolutions. Click HERE to view all tracked legislation organized by category.
HB 1221 – Rep. David Ray (R) and Sen. Kim Hammer (R)
To amend Arkansas law concerning initiatives, referenda, and constitutional amendments and to declare an emergency.
HB 1222 – Rep. David Ray (R) and Sen. Kim Hammer (R)
To require the Attorney General to review ballot titles for conflicts with the United States Constitution and federal statutes and to prohibit the submission of multiple initiative petitions and referendum petitions.
HB 1223 – Rep. David Ray (R) and Sen. Ben Gilmore (R)
To allow a candidate for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Court of Appeals who is serving as an appointee to use the title of that position as a prefix on the ballot.
SB 96 – Sen. Clint Penzo (R)
To amend the law concerning detachment by a regional airport authority and to repeal provisions related to regional airport authority detachment. This bill was assigned to the Senate Transportation, Technology & Legislative Affairs Committee and is on this afternoon’s agenda.