Daily Legislative Update: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Photo by Will Newton/Arkansas House of Representatives
Standing committees will meet at 10:00 a.m., the Senate will convene at 10:30 a.m., and the House will convene at 1:30 p.m. To view committee schedules, agendas, and live streams—including live coverage of the House and Senate—visit www.arkleg.state.ar.us.
HB 1049 – Rep. Dwight Tosh and Sen. Ron Caldwell
This bill would amend Arkansas law concerning criminal offenses and criminalize unlawful squatting. This bill is on this afternoon’s Senate calendar to adopt an amendment. We support this bill.
SB 207 thru 211 – Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood
The following bills from the Secretary of State’s office seek to improve the ballot initiative process.
- SB 207 – Amends laws regarding initiative and referendum petitions, requiring canvassers to disclose that petition fraud is a Class A misdemeanor. This bill was pulled down without a vote yesterday in the House State Agencies Committee.
- SB 208 – Requires canvassers to request photo identification before obtaining a petition signature. This bill received a Do Pass recommendation yesterday from the House State Agencies committee.
- SB 211 – Mandates that canvassers submit an affidavit before collected petition signatures can be counted. This bill received a Do Pass recommendation yesterday from the House State Agencies committee.
- SB 209 – Disqualifies signatures obtained by a canvasser under specific circumstances. This bill is on today’s Senate Calendar to vote on the emergency clause.
- SB 210 – Requires petition signers to read the ballot title in the presence of a canvasser. This bill is on today’s Senate Calendar to vote on the emergency clause.
HB 1221 thru 1223 – Rep. David Ray and Sen. Kim Hammer
These three bills seek to improve the ballot initiative process.
- HB 1221 – Seeks to amend Arkansas law concerning initiatives, referenda, and constitutional amendments. This bill is on today’s Senate Calendar.
- HB 1222 – To require the Attorney General to review ballot titles for conflicts with the United States Constitution and federal statutes and to prohibit the submission of multiple initiative petitions and referendum petitions. This bill is on today’s Senate Calendar.
- HB 1223 – To allow a candidate for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Court of Appeals who is serving as an appointee to use the title of that position as a prefix on the ballot. This bill passed in the Senate yesterday 33-1.
HB 1411 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Matt Stone
This bill from the state Department of Energy & Environment clarifies the regulation of carbon capture and sequestration and establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Fund. This bill is on today’s Senate Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development Committee agenda.
HB 1412 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Matt Stone
This bill from the state Department of Energy & Environment clarifies pipeline safety regulations for hazardous liquids and carbon dioxide transportation. This bill is on todoay’s Senate Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development Committee agenda.
HB 1500 – Rep. Howard Beaty and Sen. Ben Gilmore
Enhances economic competitiveness by repealing the throwback rule. This bill was filed yesterday and referred to the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. This bill is part of the State Chamber/AIA’s tax package for this session. We support this bill.
HB 1501 – Rep. Howard Beaty and Sen. Ben Gilmore
Adopts federal income tax law regarding depreciation and expensing of property; increases the allowable amount for expensing certain depreciable business assets to align with federal law. This bill was filed yesterday and referred to the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. This bill is part of the State Chamber/AIA’s tax package for this session. We support this bill.
HB 1446 – Rep. Robin Lundstrum and Sen. Jane English
Amends the Arkansas Workforce Challenge Scholarship Program by adding the ability for scholarship funds to go towards a public or private vocational – technical school or institute in Arkansas. The bill is focused on associate degrees or certificate programs that result in a portable license or certificate in high demand fields including manufacturing, health care trades, information technology, construction trades and logistics and distribution. We support this bill.
HB 1435 – Rep. Brandon Achor and Sen. Jane English
Amends the law regarding income tax credits for childcare by modifying the employer-provided child care credit and establishing a new income tax credit for licensed childcare providers. This bill awaits consideration in the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. We support this bill.
HB 1512 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Jonathan Dismang; SB 246 – Sen. Jonathan Dismang and Rep. Matthew Shepherd
These companion bills create Governor Sanders’ Arkansas ACCESS Act that amends various education-related provisions in the Arkansas Code. These bills were filed yesterday and referred to their respective Education Committees.
HB 1069 – Rep. Stephen Meeks
This bill originally sought to make standard time permanent in Arkansas. An amendment has been adopted that would allow Arkansas to follow the federal government if it adopts year round daylight savings time. This bill awaits consideration in the House State Agencies Committee.
House Joint Resolutions
- HJR1001 – Andrew Collins: A constitutional amendment to create the Citizens’ Redistricting Commission and to repeal the Board of Apportionment.
- HJR1002 – Jay Richardson and Sen. Reginald Murdock: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to repeal the exception to the prohibition of slavery and involuntary servitude.
- HJR1003 – Andrew Collins: The Arkansas Government Disclosure Amendment.
- HJR1004 – Jack Ladyman and Sen. Clint Penzo: Applying to the United States Congress for an Article V Convention of the states for the purpose of proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution to impose term limits on members of Congress.
- HJR1005 – Wayne Long: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to create the Arkansas Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
- HJR1006 – Brit McKenzie: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution providing that a governmental body shall not use state or local funds to enter into a contract with a lobbyist for lobbying purposes.
- HJR1007 – Frances Cavenaugh: A constitutional amendment to create a procedure for the recall of certain elected officials.
- HJR1008 – Stephen Meeks: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution concerning the taxation of personal property and real property in the state.
- HJR1009 – Karilyn Brown and Sen. Ben Gilmore: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to be known as the Arkansas Victims’ Bill of Rights; and to provide rights for victims of misdemeanor and felony offenses, including victims in the adult and juvenile justice systems.
- HJR1010 – Steve Unger: A constitutional amendment to provide that by a two-thirds vote, the Senate may remove members of certain boards and commissions for cause only, after notice and hearing.
- HJR1011 – Stephen Meeks: A constitutional amendment concerning the consideration of bills other than appropriation bills during a fiscal session of the General Assembly.
- HJR1012 – Scott Richardson: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to repeal provisions concerning the reappraisal and reassessment of real property; and to amend Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 79, concerning real property taxes.
- HJR1013 – Aaron Pilkington: A constitutional amendment to provide that certain vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the governor.
- HJR1014 – Howard Beaty and Sen. Jonathan Dismang: A constitutional amendment concerning economic development in the state of Arkansas; and authorizing the General Assembly to provide for the creation of economic development districts to promote economic development.
- HJR1015 – Robin Lundstrum and Sen. Gary Stubblefield: A constitutional amendment to ensure transparency by requiring a judicial candidate to declare his or her political party affiliation or independent status when running for office.
- HJR1016 – David Ray: A constitutional amendment to repeal the provision of Arkansas Constitution, Article 5, § 1, allowing the sponsor of an initiative or referendum petition to correct or amend a petition.
- HJR1017 – David Ray and Sen. John Payton: A constitutional amendment providing that a proposed statewide initiated act or constitutional amendment shall become law when approved by a majority of the votes cast in the election and a majority of the counties of the state.
- HJR1018 – David Ray and Sen. John Payton: The Citizens Only Voting Amendment.
- HJR1019 – Stephen Meeks: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to remove references to greyhound racing from Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 100.
- HJR1020 – Karilyn Brown and Sen. Ben Gilmore: A constitutional amendment to be known as the Victim’s Bill of Rights; and to provide rights for victims of violent and sexual criminal offenses.
Senate Joint Resolutions
- SJR 1 – Bryan King: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to require a vote of three-fourths of each house of the General Assembly to enact, amend, or repeal laws concerning access to public records or access to public meetings.
- SJR 2 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment to create the Arkansas Apportionment Commission to apportion districts for the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the United States House of Representatives.
- SJR 3 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment concerning the membership of the State Highway Commission.
- SJR 4 – Justin Boyd and Rep. Cindy Crawford: A constitutional amendment to provide that the annual school election shall not be held if the proposed rate of tax levy is the same as last approved and no other matters are to be decided.
- SJR 5 – Bryan King: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to repeal the office of Lieutenant Governor.
- SJR 6 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment to provide that certain proceeds from the sale of medical marijuana and casino gaming shall be used for crime reduction and prevention programs and assistance for post-release supervision services.
- SJR 7 – Bryan King: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to amend Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 98, concerning medical marijuana.
- SJR 8 – Bryan King: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to amend Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 100, concerning casino gaming.
- SJR 9 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment permitting the state of Arkansas to be sued as a defendant in state court to enforce constitutional rights or as otherwise provided by law.
- SJR 10 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment concerning efficiency in government; and to provide for the creation of the Department of Government Efficiency.
- SJR 11 – John Payton: A constitutional amendment to amend Arkansas Constitution, Article 2, § 5, to protect the right to keep and bear arms.
- SJR 12 – Clarke Tucker: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution requiring the General Assembly to establish by law a revised election process.
- SJR 13 – Jim Dotson and Rep. Robin Lundstrum: A constitutional amendment to allow a candidate for Supreme Court justice, Court of Appeals judge, circuit judge, or district judge to declare his or her party affiliation or independent status when running for judicial office.
- SJR 14 – Jim Dotson: A constitutional amendment concerning the determination of the true value in money of real property for assessment purposes.
- SJR 15 – Jonathan Dismang and Rep. Howard Beaty: A constitutional amendment concerning economic development in the state of Arkansas; and authorizing the General Assembly to provide for the creation of economic development districts to promote economic development.
- SJR 16 – Steve Crowell: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to exempt certain real property from property tax; and to create property tax exemptions for certain individuals.
- SJR 17 – Jim Dotson and Rep. Wayne Long: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to create the “Arkansas Taxpayer Bill of Rights.”
- SJR 18 – John Payton: The Citizens Only Voting Amendment.
- SJR 19 – Mark Johnson: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to exempt food and food ingredients from the excise tax levied under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 75.
- SJR 20 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment concerning the vote requirements for approval of constitutional amendments at the general election.
- SJR 21 – Bryan King: A constitutional amendment concerning the vote requirements for approval of initiated acts and constitutional amendments.
- SJR 22 – Greg Leding and Rep. Diana Gonzales Worthen: A constitutional amendment concerning the qualifications to vote in an election.
- SJR 23 – Mark Johnson: A constitutional amendment to provide that proceeds generated under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 91, may be applied to multilane highway improvements.
- SJR 24 – Mark Johnson: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution concerning ballot titles for initiated measures.
We added six bills to our tracking list based on Friday’s filings and 13 bills to our tracking list based on Monday’s filings (four are reported in the Pending Bills section). Through Friday, the sessions 5th week, the House has filed 491 bills, and the Senate 238. There are 855 bills and resolutions in total. We are tracking 311 bills and joint resolutions.
HB 1488 – Rep. Jeff Wardlaw
Amends the standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance and requires insurers to pay interest on deferred payments of cash surrender value under certain policies. This bill was referred to the House Insurance and Commerce Committee.
HB 1491 – Rep. Jeff Wardlaw and Sen. Jonathan Dismang
Addresses the excise tax on certain beer and sake; creates an excise tax credit for beer and sake produced using Arkansas rice. This bill was referred to the House Rules Committee.
HB 1494 – Rep. RJ Hawk and Sen. Ricky Hill
Creates the Arkansas Guidance Out of the Darkness Act; requires state agencies to publish federal guidance documents online. Referred to the House State Agencies Committee.
HB 1503 – Rep. Nicole Clowney and Sen. Bart Hester
Amends municipal regulations; prohibits certain restrictions on the regulation of accessory dwelling units. Referred to the House City, County, and Local Affairs Committee.
HB 1506 – Rep. Wade Andrews and Sen. Matt McKee
Amends laws concerning public officers and employees; prohibits public employers from deducting labor organization membership dues from employee compensation. Referred to the House Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee.
HB 1508 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Clarke Tucker
Recodifies Title 19 of the Arkansas Code concerning public finance; amends laws resulting from Initiated Act 2000, No. 1; makes conforming changes to the Arkansas Code. Referred to the House Judiciary Committee.
HB 1509 –Rep. Howard Beaty and Sen. Ricky Hill
Creates the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act; prohibits financial institutions from using certain discriminatory practices. Referred to House Insurance and Commerce Committee.
HB 1513 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Jonathan Dismang
Amends the law concerning lottery-funded scholarships. (Shell bill) Referred to the House Journal Committee.
SB 235 – Sen. Justin Boyd and Rep. Robin Lundstrum
Creates the Voluntary Portable Benefit Account Act. Referred to the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.
SB 236 – Sen. Justin Boyd and Rep. Trey Steimel
Amends the Insurance Holding Company Regulatory Act. Referred to the Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.
SB 237 – Sen. Justin Boyd and Rep. Trey Steimel
Amends laws related to licensing and regulation of captive insurers. Referred to the Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.
SB 238 – Sen. John Payton
Amends the Used Tire Recycling and Accountability Act. (Shell bill) Referred to the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee.
SB 240 – Sen. Ricky Hill and Rep. Howard Beaty
Amends the Credit Reporting Disclosure Act of 1989; clarifies required content for notices of adverse action. Referred to the Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.
SB 242 – Sen. Ricky Hill and Rep. Howard Beaty
Amends laws concerning loans involving the stock of a state bank. Referred to the Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.
SB 243 – Sen. Jimmy Hickey
Amends the law regarding lottery-funded scholarship programs. (Shell bill) Referred to the Senate Education Committee.