Daily Legislative Update: Tuesday, January 21, 2025

(Photo by Will Newton/Arkansas House of Representatives)
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 – Day 9
Committee meetings will take place this morning, and the House and Senate will convene at 1:30 p.m. For a complete
schedule of meetings, agendas, and video links, visit www.arkleg.state.ar.us.
The State Chamber/AIA will host its Annual Legislative Reception TODAY from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The event will take place in the tent located in the State Chamber/AIA parking lot. Worried about the cold? No need—our fully heated tent will keep you warm throughout the evening.
During the first week of the 95th General Assembly, Senators filed 78 bills, and Representatives filed 173 bills. Lawmakers have filed a total of 275 pieces of legislation, including resolutions.
The State Chamber/AIA is currently tracking 99 bills and resolutions. Click HERE to view all tracked legislation organized by category.
HB 1065 (Ray-R): Creates the Inflation Reduction Act of 2025. Assigned to the House Revenue and Taxation Committee.
HB 1116 (Rep. David Ray-R and Sen. Jonathan Dismang-R): seeks to establish the Remote and Mobile Work Modernization and Competitiveness Act. The bill proposes income tax and withholding exemptions for certain remote and mobile employees as well as nonresidents. Assigned to the House Revenue and Taxation Committee.
HB 1133 (Rep. Steve Unger-R): Authorizes Northwest Technical Institute to appoint a president with an industry background. Assigned to House Education and is on this morning’s agenda.
SB 70 (Sen. Jimmy Hickey-R, Rep. Robin Lundstrum-R): Updates insurance policy standards and revises notice requirements for premium increases. Assigned to Senate Insurance and Commerce.
HB 1022 (Collins-D): Repeals performance-based incentives for public and open-enrollment charter schools. Assigned to House Education Committee and has been placed on the deferred list.
HB 1024 (Collins-D): Repeals laws prohibiting public employee collective bargaining.
Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
HB 1025 (Collins-D): Establishes the Teacher Fair Dismissal Act of 2025. Assigned to House Education Committee.
HB 1042 (Collins-D): Establishes the Direct Democracy Act of 2025, revising ballot initiative processes. Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
HB 1069 (Meeks-R): Eliminates daylight saving time in Arkansas. Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
HB 1150 (Rep. Jeremiah Moore-R and Sen. Kim Hammer-R): Prohibits healthcare payors and pharmacy benefits managers from obtaining specific pharmacy permits. Referred to the House Insurance and Commerce Committee.
HB 1159 (Rep. Jay Richardson-D): Establishes the Retail Convenience Store Security Act to regulate security measures at retail convenience stores. Referred to the House Insurance and Commerce Committee.
HJR 1001 (Collins-D): Proposes a Citizens’ Redistricting Commission to replace the Board of Apportionment. Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
HJR 1003 (Collins-D): Proposes the Arkansas Government Disclosure Amendment. Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
HJR 1004 (Ladyman-R): Applies for a term-limits amendment for U.S. Congress members. Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
SB 5 (King-R): Establishes a criminal offense for prescription drug harm or homicide. Assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
SB 6 (King-R): Introduces the criminal offense of vaccine harm. Assigned to House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.
SB 7 (Penzo-R): Allows legislators to request sales and tax reports from the Department of Finance and Administration. Assigned to the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.
SB 62 (Sen. Bryan King-R): proposes the termination of the Arkansas Health and Opportunity for Me (ARHOME) program, with plans to transfer all beneficiaries of the program to the traditional Arkansas Medicaid program. Assigned to Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.
SJR 2 (King-R): Create Arkansas Apportionment Commission to apportion districts for Arkansas House of Representative and Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. Assigned to Senate State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee.