National Civics Bee

About the Bee

The State Chamber/AIA has partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and local chambers of commerce across Arkansas to host a statewide civics competition. The National Civics Bee encourages young Americans in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade to engage in civics and contribute to their communities. The competition, modeled on traditional spelling and geography bees, gives students the chance to win recognition and earn cash prizes by sharing ideas for improving their communities and showing their enthusiasm for civics. 

Why Civics?

We are hosting the National Civics Bee Arkansas State Championship because we believe that informed and active citizens make for a strong country, economy, and workforce, and that our continued prosperity depends on the strength of all three. Through the Bee, we promote greater civic knowledge throughout Arkansas and encourage young Arkansas to become more engaged in civics.

How the Competition Works

Local Essay Round


Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student in Arkansas can enter the local Bee of their choosing by submitting a 500-word essay about a problem facing their community and proposing solutions to address it. The deadline for essay submissions will be announced in the fall.

Local Civics Bee Competitions


Participating local partners will judge the essays and select twenty local finalists to compete live in a local Civics Bee competition. This event features two rounds of civics questions followed by a Q&A round with judges. The top winners from each local competition will advance to the Arkansas State Championship.

Arkansas State Championship


The top winners from each local competition will compete for the state title in Little Rock in May 2025. The state finalist with the highest score will be named the Arkansas State Champion and will advance to the National Civics Bee Championship in Washington, D.C.

National Championship


The National Championship will take place in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce headquarters. The state champion will compete against other state champions for the national title Fall 2025.


Student Essay Guide

This resource is designed to help middle school students write compelling essays that address real issues in their communities. The guide includes essay prompts, tips for structuring your responses, and insights into key concepts like Founding Principles and Civic Virtues.

The essay submission period opens on October 15, 2024. Download the guide below to start preparing your submission!

Essays are due by February 4, 2025!


Local Competitions

Participating local partners in the National Civics Bee include the El Dorado-Union County Chamber of Commerce, Magnolia-Columbia County Chamber of Commerce, Rogers Lowell Chamber, Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce, and Sevier County Chamber of Commerce. Middle school students from any region in Arkansas can submit an essay to compete in one of the local competitions hosted by these chambers. Each student may submit an essay to only one local competition, but they do not have to live or attend school in the region where they choose to compete.

March 11, 2025

El Dorado Civics Bee

Local Competition
Join us for the El Dorado on March 11, 2025, at the Mahoney Family Library at South Arkansas College. Hosted by the El Dorado Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the State Chamber/AIA, the event will include rounds of civics questions and a Q&A with judges.
Mahoney Family Library
South Arkansas College
300 Summit Ave.
El Dorado, AR 71730

March 20, 2025

Russellville Civics Bee

Local Competition

Don’t miss the Russellville Civics Bee on March 20, 2025! Hosted by the Russellville Area Chamber of Commerce and the State Chamber/AIA, this event will feature local finalists answering civics questions and engaging in a Q&A with judges. The top competitors will move on to the Arkansas State Championship.

Doc Bryan Lecture Hall
Arkansas Tech University
140 W P St.
Russellville, AR 72801

Event contact: Angela Bonds |

April 3, 2025

Magnolia Civics Bee

Local Competition

Join us at the Magnolia Civics Bee, hosted by the Magnolia-Columbia County Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the State Chamber/AIA! On April 3, local finalists will showcase their civics knowledge in two rounds of questions, followed by a Q&A session with judges. Top winners will advance to the Arkansas State Championship!

Magnolia Performing Arts Center
1400 High School Drive
Magnolia, AR 71753

April 14, 2025

Rogers Lowell Civics Bee

Local Competition
Join us for the Rogers Lowell Civics Bee on April 14, 2025, at Rogers High School, where local finalists will compete in a live event testing their civics knowledge. Hosted by the Rogers Lowell Chamber in partnership with the State Chamber/AIA, the event will include rounds of civics questions and a Q&A with judges. The top performers will move on to compete in the Arkansas State Championship!
Rogers High School
2300 S Dixieland Rd.
Rogers, AR 72758

May 14, 2025

National Civics Bee – Arkansas State Championship

Arkansas State Championship

The Arkansas State Civics Bee Championship, hosted by the Arkansas State Chamber/AIA, will bring together top finalists from across the state to compete for the title of state champion. Hosted in Little Rock, this event will challenge middle school students to demonstrate their civic knowledge and passion through multiple rounds of competition. The state winner will go on to represent Arkansas at the National Civics Bee in Washington, D.C.!

Clinton Presidential Center
1200 President Clinton Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72201

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about Arkansas’ National Civics Bee, please contact us at

Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you interested in showcasing your company’s commitment to developing active and engaged citizens? For information about available corporate sponsorships, please contact