Steve Card
Vice Chairman (Albemarle)

Steve Card serves as the Land and External Affairs Director for Albemarle’s Columbia County operations. Card is responsible for land leasing, land acquisitions, community outreach, and governmental affairs for the sites.
Card helped design and construct two Artificial Marsh Wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater and a 100-acre Wetland Mitigation Bank, both were the first for Arkansas Industry and Albemarle. He also implemented the company’s first and ongoing partnering/outreach sustainability program with area high schools. Card was also instrumental in obtaining OSHA VPP Star status at the Magnolia sites, which were the first for the company.
He currently serves on the Arkansas Environmental Federation Board (Past Chairman), Chairman of the Southern Arkansas University Foundation, Chairman of the Magnolia Public Schools Foundation, Magnolia Airport Commission, and has served on many other state and local boards to help promote the sites responsible stewardship and growth.
Card has held leadership positions in quality control, operations, regulatory affairs, and HS&E within Albemarle.